An open letter to Event Organizers: why you should consider doing a metaverse event in 2022?

4 min readJul 15, 2022


Dear Event Organizers,

We are writing to express our interest in hosting events in the metaverse. It offers a wide range of possibilities for participants, including the ability to interact with each other in real-time, regardless of location.

“But if we can have in person events again, why host something in the metaverse?”

Metaverse events DO NOT replace IRL events. Instead, they provide complimentary features and benefits that are not possible in the physical world.

It is very important to differentiate your IRL event experience from your virtual one. ⚠️ ORGANIZERS, please know that there is no need to try to replicate your physical event experience in the metaverse.

Are metaverse events a good idea?

Tl/dr: Yes. Metaverse events have to bring something new in the brand event strategy to create complementarity. Thus, creating your metaverse event on top of your real life event is a complementary strategy that will never replace the physical 🔥

“What do metaverse events really have that IRL events don’t?”

  • The metaverse is global, so you can reach a wider audience.
  • The metaverse is scalable, so you can customize your event to any size.
  • The metaverse is accessible, so anyone can attend your event.
  • The metaverse is impossible; you can create experiences that are not possible in the physical world, making your conference more memorable.

Still not convinced? Tough crowd. Okay, here’s our whole argument:

Not only is the metaverse global, but it is also scalable, customizable, and accessible to a broad audience — a wider audience than physical events. You can create new types of experiences that are not possible in the physical world. Some metaverse platforms even allow you to record and replay events, so you can continue generating leads and sales long after the event.

Live Events allow people with diverse cultures, ideas, beliefs and interests (who couldn’t meet up before using web2 tools) to have a DAY, TIME and PLACE to get together and experience things together, from a click of a button.

Don’t believe us? Here’s a real example from us at RLTY:

At Paris NFT day, in one day, we had 3,500 participants from 100 different countries spending an average of 19 minutes in the experience. Participants were able to enjoy the event live stream, explore the virtual booths from exhibitors, use networking areas and networking features, mint a POAP, Merch/Wearables and many more cool features! You can read more about what we did here.

Furthermore, the metaverse offers a level of customization that is impossible with physical events. Event organizers can create custom environments tailored to the conference’s needs to enhance the experience for the attendees. For example, conference organizers can create an environment that simulates a city or country or make an entirely fictional environment. It is also easier to fulfil specific sponsorship requests on how to be presented.

Our favorite argument — events in the metaverse allow attendees to be proactive in their control of their experience. You can create truly engaging features and utilities for your attendees. There are also more ways to reward your attendees with memorable takeaways. We have seen organizers give out things like NFTs, digital merch (more free advertising for you if they wear it elsewhere), future passes, and more.

You can also easily add mini-experiences like games, on-demand video, and concerts throughout your space (and sponsor them.. we are almost giving you too many advertising ideas at this point).

Tips on how to host a successful conference in the metaverse

Here are a few tips to help you host a successful conference in the metaverse:

  1. Choose the right metaverse platform for your event.
  2. Create a truly interactive experience, and capitalize on the metaverse advantages.
  3. Make sure to promote your event beforehand.
  4. Have a plan for post-event follow-up.

Unsure about how to host the perfect metaverse event?

We at RLTY provide you with everything you need. If you have any questions or want to learn more about hosting an event in the metaverse, please reach out to

We would be happy to chat with you about your next event!

Yours truly,

The RLTY Team

About RLTY

RLTY is a collective of metaverse early adopters contributing to the growing metaverse ecosystem by building easy-to-use, codeless infrastructure tools which brands and events can use to build virtual spaces in any of the leading metaverse platforms.Committed to bringing metaverse Events to the mainstream, RLTY partners with event organizers across music, arts, conference, fashion, and business, their goal is to onboard as wide and diverse an audience as possible to virtual experiences and events in the Metaverse.

For more information, please visit and follow the regular updates on Linkedin, Twitter, Medium and Instagram.




RLTY Unlock The Power Of 3D Experiences. We provide a no-code platform that empowers communities to create immersive 3D experiences. 🌐🚀